This first-of-its-kind monument was unveiled in Buffalo this September.
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A diverse survey of summer observations.
Well-known vaudeville star Jesse Clipper became the first African American soldier from Buffalo to succumb to injuries sustained in World War I.
Ignoring the cries for human rights and basic human decency, President Millard Fillmore opted to support the Fugitive Slave Act in an attempt to prevent civil war and preserve the Union.
Founded in 1859 by three German churches, Concordia Cemetery has served the changing East Side community ever since. Today, the stories of its “residents” continue to be preserved through a variety of efforts and events.
Buffalo's rich sports history is shared through stories, photos, and artifacts spanning more than a century. A must-have for the sports enthusiast on your list!
Celebrating the Light, Color, and Architecture of the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo 1901.
By: Dr. Kerry S. Grant
A visual survey of spans across the Niagara River, past and present.